十一月 27, 2018

M12 Push-Pull: The Universal Quick-Connect System

Anyone who spends a lot of time installing M12 cordsets must have asked themselves if a reliable and universal quick-connection system exists that is capable of coping with the full spectrum of stresses and strains. In future, the answer to that will be “Yes!”

M12 Push-Pull - cordsets

The M12 Push-Pull is a standard system that enables M12 cordsets to be connected in record time. Leading connector manufacturers have worked together to deliver a top-quality and standardized product to the market.

It connects by using a push-pull system. The technician can hook up the connector very quickly and without tools since each wire has an identical connector pattern. This is unlike the conventional M12 because using the M12 Push-Pull reduces the installation time by about 80 percent. This is extremely efficient in installations where space is limited – the male connectors with push-pull connection technology offer several benefits.

Is there a risk of achieving speed at the expense of process safety? Clear answer: no! With the M12 Push-Pull system, male and female connectors lock into an accurately aligned contour, and once connected and locked in, each connection is leak-proof and is IP67 protected. Acoustic and tactile feedback provide the technician with the feedback that the cordset is correctly connected.

Our forecast: The new standard M12 Push-Pull will be the trigger to the rising trend of M12 connectors, making it the first choice for many other applications! The success story of the M12 Push-Pull cordset has just begun.





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