五月 6, 2019

Space for Creativity and Innovation: New R&D Center at Murrelektronik Headquarters

Murrelektronik has opened its new research and development center at its company headquarters in Oppenweiler, a town outside of Stuttgart, Germany. The area of 3754,38 m² (40,411.80 ft²) available to the R&D teams provides a whole lot of space for creativity and innovation.

Bernd Waser, Head of Development for Automation & Power at Murrelektronik, explains: “When we designed our new R&D center, it was really important to us to provide a way for quality, efficient communication between employees.” Communication areas in the new space invite Murrelektronik teams to get together during work, which can help solve minor challenges by working together. There’s many uniquely styled quiet areas that are available for concentrated work to let developers focus on creating new ideas in a calm environment.

Combining different teams and work areas in the R&D process under the one roof helps intensify cooperation and eliminate wasting resources when interfacing. Murrelektronik’s technical trainees and students have their own learning workshop and it’s also located in the new R&D center. The workshop is a welcoming work environment where they can experiment and play without limits.

Murrelektronik selectively curated the materials used in the R&D center to promote a natural working environment. The use of wood provides a high level of ambient quality, while the clay walls provide a pleasant room climate.

Bernd Waser: “We hope the R&D teams feel comfortable in the new offices and that this translates into productivity and solution-oriented results for our customers.”



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