九月 1, 2018

Fourteen Young People Launch Their Careers

Murrelektronik places great value on qualified training and has created attractive career opportunities for young people. No one is a better example of this commitment than Jürgen Zeltwanger. The CEO of this international, family-owned automation company based in Oppenweiler began his own career 32 years ago as an apprentice to be an “electronics technician.”


He therefore did not want to miss the opportunity to welcome these young people to Murrelektronik where they were about to begin their apprenticeships or who are about to start a dual studies program at the beginning of October. His fellow CEO Stefan Grotzke also attended the kick-off event, stating: “For us, the apprentices and students of today are the skilled workers of tomorrow.” For this reason, the company also undergoes thorough certification processes and this year was once again awarded as a “Best Place to Learn.”

The new apprentices at Murrelektronik are studying to become industrial commercial assistants, warehouse specialists, electricians and IT specialists. The company is committed to providing its young employees with outstanding support right from their first day through to the final exams at the end of their apprenticeships. Once their apprenticeships are completed, the new employees will assume challenging duties in the fields that they were trained in. Their career starts at Murrelektronik are usually successful because they can take advantage of the networking they have done during their training or studies. After the apprentices start their vocational programs in September, five students from the ‘Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg’ will begin their studies at the beginning of October in the following fields: industrial engineering, information technology and International Business Administration Management (IBAM). Their courses of study are offered in close cooperation with the Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg based in Stuttgart and in Mosbach.

Murrelektronik is currently training a total of 47 young people in twelve vocational professions and dual courses of study at its company headquarters in Oppenweiler, with another eight at the Stollberg location.




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