七月 27, 2023

Martin Kram becomes Vice President Sales Germany at Murrelektronik

Murrelektronik, a specialist in decentralized automation technology for machines and plants, is making a mid-year change to its sales management team. Martin Kram has been Vice President Sales Germany since July.

Martin Kram, Vice President Sales Germany, Murrelektronik GmbH

In his previous position as Vice President Global Sales, Kram was responsible for the Connection Systems division at Aptiv Ltd, one of the world’s leading automotive suppliers. From 2014 to 2020, the electrical engineering graduate worked for Eaton Electric GmbH in Bonn. In his role as Managing Director, his responsibilities included sales, marketing and product management, with a focus on machine and building automation and power distribution. Due to his expertise in industrial and automation technology, Kram was appointed to the board of the VDMA trade association for electrical automation in 2015, where he served until 2020.



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